Living Wage Employers

For organisations wanting to demonstrate their commitment as a responsible employer, Living Wage accreditation is the best place to start. By paying the real Living Wage, employers are voluntarily taking a stand to ensure their employees can earn a wage which is enough to live on. That basic fairness is at the heart of what the Living Wage campaign is trying to achieve and why great businesses and organisations choose to go further than the government minimum. As well as it being the right thing to do, there is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the business benefits of becoming a Living Wage Employer.

Accredited employers display the Living Wage Employer Mark to recognise their commitment to the Living Wage. This includes a plaque, merchandise and digital assets to demonstrate that they are a responsible employer to their staff and networks. The employer will also be listed on the Living Wage Foundation website and employer map, with their accreditation often recognised in the media.

Join over 15,000 UK employers leading the way and gain Living Wage accreditation today.

Living Wage Employer logo with tick

Become a Living Wage Employer

Why accredit?

Green tick

Public commitment to fair pay

Green tick

Certified by the Living Wage Foundation

Green tick

Annual pay increases linked to the cost of living

By accrediting, all Living Wage Employers: 

Man holding Living Wage Sign outside West Ham stadium
  • Appear on our website and searchable map so that consumers, prospective employees, students and funders can easily see who pays a real Living Wage that meets the cost of living.
  • Can access guidance on implementing the Living Wage through procurement, including templates, clauses and case studies.
  • Have the opportunity to work with us on press coverage to promote their commitment to a real Living Wage. 
  • Get the right to use the Living Wage Employer Mark on your website, marketing materials and any premises you own. 
  • Receive a Living Wage Employer plaque.
  • Receive a Living Wage Week pack with materials and guidance on how to be part of the national celebrations.
  • Are kept up to date through our regular newsletter which has the latest developments on the Living Wage campaign, as well as news about the rate.
  • Can get Living Wage merchandise including tote bags, pens and badges. 

What do I need to do?

Liverpool FC with Living Wage logo

1. Pay the real Living Wage to all your directly employed staff

Dancers with Living Wage logo

2. Have a plan to pay your contractors a Living Wage

Rosslyn Coffee with Living Wage logo

3. Complete the application form

Coin stack

How much does it cost?

We offer a sliding scale of annual accreditation fees based on organisation size, which deliberately includes a low rate of £69 a year for organisations with fewer than 10 employees to make it accessible. Our fees are based on analysis of similar ethical accreditations and we feel that they compare favourably. All fees go straight back into supporting and developing the independent movement of businesses, organisations and people campaigning on the principle that a fair day's work deserves a fair day's pay.

Find out more

To find out more details about the criteria for accreditation, read the FAQs. There is a sliding scale of accreditation fees depending on the size of your organisation, starting at £69 a year for those with fewer than 10 employees,.

How do I become a Living Wage Employer?

Watch our short video to understand the key steps to becoming accredited.

Who will I be joining?

There are over 15,000 UK accredited Living Wage Employers. You can find out who's already signed up below.

UK Map populated with dots

Are you a service provider?

Recognised Service Provider logo

For service providers who are committed to pay all directly employed members of staff (not tied to client contracts) the real Living Wage, and would like to present an Living Wage bid to clients, you can become a Recognised Service Provider. 

What are the benefits of becoming a Living Wage Employer?

Paying the real Living Wage has multiple benefits for businesses, society and people. Find out what they are. 

Peters Panas

Don't just take it from us... 

“I’ve been so happy with the support we have from the Living Wage Foundation, who are able to talk through any concerns you have openly. We are so grateful to the Living Wage Foundation to doing the hard work it takes to set the wage each year- not only does it take a lot off our plate but it also builds trust between our staff and the company, and the Foundation itself”
Retail Director

How have other employers done it?

Read case studies of how other employers have implemented the real Living Wage, and continue to champion it?